Dental Hygienist Newcastle
Oral health can be defined as the absence of diseases, lesions or infections in any of the structures that make up the oral cavity, especially in teeth and gums. And since it is known that everything that happens in our mouth directly impacts the well-being of our whole organism, it is essential to maintain good oral health through a routine of brushing and flossing at home, and periodically attending dental check-ups for a professional dental cleaning. Contact Denmark Street Dental Hygienist Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
What does a Dental Hygienist do?
Dental hygienists are dental health professionals who work with the dentist to keep patients’ gums and teeth healthy. They are indispensable professionals in the dental clinic, as they are trained to perform the following tasks:
-Examination of the oral cavity to detect conditions such as gum inflammation due to periodontal disease.
-Provide preventive treatments to patients, such as deep dental cleanings. They are able to perform tooth scaling and root planning procedures.
-Instruct the patient on the importance of oral hygiene (to maintain healthy teeth and gums) and proper brushing technique.
-Review the patient’s dental history.
-Take dental x-rays.
-Place dental sealants.
-Apply fluoride treatments.
Contact Denmark Street Dental Hygienist Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
Is it right for me?
In the case of dental cleaning, it is indicated for all patients who wish to maintain or recover the health of their gums and teeth. It is especially indicated in patients who already have tartar and periodontal disease.
X-rays: These are indicated when it is necessary to visualize the position of the teeth in the jaw, the situation of their roots, diagnose lesions in the teeth and gum disease, check for bone damage and its severity, visualise if there are lesions present in the bone, the state of the paranasal sinuses, etc.
Sealants: Indicated for those children or adult patients with a high risk of developing caries, and who present deep grooves and fissures (where food can accumulate).
Fluoride treatments: Performed in adult patients and children in order to prevent decay. Especially in cases where the decay is in its initial stage (white and porous stain) because thanks to the action of fluoride it can be remineralized and reversed before it progresses.
Contact Denmark Street Dental Hygienist Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
We will focus on the benefits of dental cleaning, since it is the procedure in which dental hygienists specialise.
-Maintains healthy teeth, gums and other structures that make up the oral cavity, which in turn allows the proper performance of the functions of chewing, phonation and digestion of food.
-It avoids the establishment of possible oral diseases and prevents their worsening if they are already established (gingivitis and caries, for example).
-Eliminates bad breath by removing tartar deposits, but of course the patient must maintain a good tooth brushing technique at home to maintain the results.
-It allows the control of some systemic diseases (such as diabetes). And as in the previous point, it is necessary that the patient also has a correct hygiene routine at home.
-In addition, it also restores confidence and security to patients regarding the aesthetics of their smile.
Contact Denmark Street Tooth Cleaning Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
The cost of a routine dental cleaning is usually around £100, but will vary depending on the type of dental cleaning performed, the time taken and the amount of plaque build-up the patient has. Contact Denmark Street Dental Hygienist Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
Some of the most common tasks performed by dental hygienists are briefly explained below:
-Deep teeth cleaning: This can be performed with hand instruments or with other devices such as ultrasonic cleaners. Its aim is to remove all local irritants (tartar and plaque) from the teeth and gums, thus reducing the risk of oral diseases.
-Tooth scaling and root planing: This treatment is a complement to dental cleaning and is performed when it is necessary to remove plaque and tartar located under the gums (subgingival), a space where it usually accumulates because the toothbrush cannot reach it.
-Oral health examinations: This is a check-up to verify the state of the patient’s oral cavity to check for the presence of cavities, gum inflammation, among other lesions, and then inform the dentist of the findings. These routine examinations help to detect problems early, before they worsen, and this is one of the reasons why it is so important to visit the dentist regularly.
-Dental history review: Here the hygienist collects relevant information about the patient’s health history (not only dental but general), from diseases to medications taken. All this information is of vital importance to the dentist in establishing the diagnosis and treatment plan.
-Dental sealants: Here the hygienist applies a thin layer of plastic material to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars) for preventive purposes. These teeth have grooves and pits which, if deep, can facilitate the accumulation of food debris and plaque. The aim is to create a mechanical barrier to cover these retentive areas and thus reduce the risk of dental caries, as well as to facilitate brushing and, therefore, oral hygiene.
-Fluoride treatments: Fluoride can be applied as a varnish (on the surface and sides of each tooth) or as a gel (with the help of trays for 2-4 minutes) to prevent the development of caries by making the enamel more resistant to acid attack and preventing the progression of the initial caries lesion.
-Oral hygiene instructions: One of the most important tasks of the hygienist is to teach the patient the correct brushing technique and how to floss according to their needs and the condition of their oral cavity. They will also be there to answer questions and clarify doubts.
Contact Denmark Street Dental Hygienist Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
Why our clinic?
At Denmark Street Dental Surgery we have a team of highly trained oral health professionals who are committed to providing their patients with quality services focused on restoring their health. In addition, we have state-of-the-art equipment and use up-to-date procedures adapted to the needs of each patient. All under care protocols of the highest standards. Contact Denmark Street Tooth Cleaning Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
Our results
At Denmark Street Dental Surgery our aim is to always offer a dental cleaning service with high standards of quality and attention to detail, so that our patients obtain the best results and see their oral health restored.
We offer you our specialised staff whose priority is to provide you with personalised attention. The various testimonials from our patients are proof that at Denmark Street Dental Surgery we have your dental health and wellbeing as a priority, and we are here to attend to your requests and clarify your doubts, so that you feel comfortable and confident that you are in the best hands.
All of this always goes hand in hand with patient education and instruction from our dental hygienists, so that you actively participate in the care of your mouth and do it correctly. Contact Denmark Street Tooth Cleaning Newcastle at 0191 477 2438 or email us at to learn more.
We’ve tried to answer the most commonly asked questions here, but if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please speak to a member of the team.
Gum disease causes the gums to become sore, inflamed and irritated. The first symptom is normally bleeding when you brush your teeth. There are different stages of gum disease – the early stage, known as gingivitis, is relatively simple to treat, but if left untreated, it can become a more advanced and painful form of gum disease known as periodontitis.
Everyone should see the hygienist to ensure they are cleaning their teeth in the right manner. Key warning signs that could indicate you should most certainly visit the hygienist include:
- Red, sore and swollen gums
- Bleeding when brushing
- Receding gums
- Teeth coming loose
- Persistent bad breath
- Pus between the teeth and gums
Your hygienist will recommend how often you should be visiting here, routine maintenance is normally every 6 months but you may be required to see the hygienist every 3 months depending on your oral health.